Escape the Rat Race of Real Estate with Jon Brooks

Register for FREE here: Agents Only

What if someone gave you the blueprints to exactly how they went from $0 to multi-millions?

That’s what Jon Brooks will do at this FREE key note speaking event, open to every agent in North East Florida!

Just 7 years ago Jon was living in his mom’s basement with big dreams of creating a financially free life for himself. He was in debt, working in corporate life, and needing a change.

Jon’s path in life soon took him, with hard work, to becoming a top real estate agent, to investing in residential real estate, growing a family, and investing in private equity and commercial properties…

Jon wants to share with YOU how you can also get out of the rat race of real estate, learn how to grow your business, but also how to grow your profits and improve your lifestyle.

You’ll also hear from a local Momentum agent who is working the Momentum ecosystem and start his investment journey, from being in debt, to saving, to being able to invest his money for great returns

Most of us weren’t taught basic skills how to save money, how to invest, and how to leverage to make our lives BIGGER!

Join us on June 7th at 10:30am to hear how you can completely
change your life with wealth building as a real estate agent, to being a residential investor, to a commercial investor.

What if one choice could change everything

Register Here.


Escape the Real Estate Rat Race Notes


Momentum Exclusive Speaker - Paul Sloate, CEO of Green Drake Advisors